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Thread Lifts Specialist

Enrich Family Practice

Family Practice located in Odessa, TX

Facial skin laxity can increase due to many factors including age and genetic predisposition. We at Enrich Family Practice are happy to introduce our newest, non-surgical solution to skin laxity, Thread Lifts. If you want a subtle lift in your facial skin, without the need for injectables, skin resurfacing or surgery, contact our team at Enrich Family Practice, where Kelly Wenger FNP, can return your skin to a smoother, younger appearance.

Thread Lift Q & A

If you’re looking to freshen up your appearance and have already done some research on the matter, you may be overwhelmed by all of the options available. 

To help you out, we asked our team at Enrich Family Practice to discuss the benefits of thread lifts and what cosmetic issues they address.

Thread lifts

Thread lifts are the minimally invasive cousin of surgical lifts. Instead of using scalpels to remove excess skin, our specialists at Enrich Family Practice use threads to stitch and suspend the skin. 

By opting for a thread lift, you can achieve a subtle lift that reduces wrinkles and jowls and tightens skin.

Thread lifts benefits include the following:

  • Subtle, natural-looking results 
  • Increased collagen production
  • Diminished wrinkles and improved skin laxity
  • Quick procedure that takes 30 minutes to complete
  • Long-lasting results (up to 2 years)

Thread lifts also boost collagen production. The threads used to suspend the skin trigger a healing response that goes on until the threads dissolve. 

Collagen is part of the proteins that are sent to the site to heal and rejuvenate. As you age, your collagen production declines, but the threads ‘’trick’’ your body into sending more collagen proteins to your skin, improving your skin’s smoothness and elasticity. 

Schedule a consultation to find out if a thread lift matches your cosmetic goals 

Contact us to schedule an appointment. Our specialist can analyze your skin and recommend a treatment course that works best for you.